
Estonian companies sign European Space Agency cyber security deal


Estonian space start-up Spaceit has signed a joint cyber security satellite simulator deal with the European Space Agency (ESA). Spaceit is joined by cyber security firm CybExer Technologies and IT consultancy company CGI Estonia.


Kaitseministeerium kutsub ettevõtjaid arendama uusi tooteid


Kaitseministeerium eraldab kaitsetööstuse arendusprojektide konkursiga üle poole miljoni eurot uuenduslike ja kõrge ekspordipotentsiaaliga toodete välja töötamiseks. 2021. aasta arendusprojektide konkursi teema on vaba, ent eeskätt on oodatud konkureerima nutikad uuslahendused, mis puudutavad näiteks tehisintellekti rakendusi, krüptograafiat, andmeanalüüsi ja automatiseerimist, droonitõrjevõimete arendamist ning 5G tehnoloogia rakendusi.


MoD calls on Estonian companies to develop new products


The Ministry of Defence of Estonia is allocating more than EUR 500,000 for the development of innovative products with high export potential through its competition for defence industry development projects. There is no set theme for the 2021 competition for development projects, although smart new solutions involving, for example, artificial intelligence applications, cryptography, data analysis and automation, development of counter-drone technologies, and applications of 5G technology are expected to compete.


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