
The Annual Conference of the Estonian Defence Industry Association will be hybrid


The annual conference of the Estonian Defence Industry Association (EDIA) will take place on November 26th 2020, where the most topical themes of defence industry will be discussed with specialists from Estonia and abroad. This year, the event will be held in the form of a hybrid conference. In other words, the speaker and moderators will be partly on stage and guests are welcomed to participate in the conference via Postimees web portal and EDIA’s social media platforms.


Estonian cyber security company to develop ‘cyber range’ for Luxembourg


Estonian cyber security company CybExer Technologies has been granted a three-year contract to develop a cyber security training range for the Directorate of Defence of Luxembourg, allowing the Grand Duchy to improve its cyber defence capabilities.


Eesti küberturbe ettevõte ehitab Luksemburgi küberharjutusväljaku


Eesti küberturbe ettevõtte CybExer Technologies võitis NATO toetus- ja hankeameti hanke, millega soetati Luksemburgi kaitseministeeriumi praeguse ja tulevase küberpersonali oskuste tugevdamiseks ning riigi küberkaitsevõimekuse arendamiseks küberharjutusväljak ja koolitused.


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Previous Events

EDF julgeolekuraamistiku seminar

25.04.2024 – 25.04.2024

Relva- ja lõhkeaineseaduse briif

17.04.2024 – 17.04.2024

EDF 2024 aasta tööprogrammi seminar

11.04.2024 – 11.04.2024

Strateegilise kauba seminar

28.03.2024 – 28.03.2024

NATO hangete seminar

27.02.2024 – 27.02.2024

Hangete seminar

15.02.2024 – 15.02.2024

Mereväega kohtumine

13.02.2024 – 13.02.2024

EDF Lessons Learned seminar

12.02.2024 – 12.02.2024