In the defense sector, especially in intelligence, correct and up-to-date information is often of vital importance. We live in a world where there is an information overload and often quality info does not reach those who should operate with it quickly enough. SensusQ, an Estonian company that develops information software, has developed a solution that picks up the right connections from this huge information noise.
The SensusQ core team has worked in defense and intelligence for several decades and has built the tool they wished they had back then, the advantage of their technology is speed and accuracy. Intelligence information is only as good as the person gathering it, which means that it can often be too superficial and human-centric, SensusQ software can gather and transmit information in seconds, which is often vital in a war situation.
We visited them to get to know the company and its makers, to hear their future plans and much more. We found out that their customers are Ukraine as well as other NATO countries, where impressive results have been achieved with the help of fast movement of relevant information.