On Friday, the Estonian Defence Industry support group visited EKTL companies Threod Systems – Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ELI and Milrem Robotics. The purpose of the meetings was to get an overview of the product developments of Estonian defense industry companies. In the future, we plan to continue with similar visits in order to get a better overview and understanding of the potential of our sector in creating higher-value jobs, the development of innovation and the resulting contribution to ensuring national security and the development of the Estonian economy.
Members of Riigikogu later stated that the visit to the three companies was a great success. According to Raimond Kaljulaid, the chairman of the support group, in addition to the defense industry support group, representatives of the Foreign Affairs, Economic and National Defense Commission were represented, and people who are not in the support group, but who care about this topic or are professionally important, were also present. “The goal is that among members of the parliament and representatives of various political parties there would be better awareness of the defense industry as an industrial sector, its future perspective and challenges. Of course, we also look at it very pragmatically, what can be done legislatively to contribute to the development of the sector, today’s attendees certainly noticed that the Estonian Defense Forces could contribute more actively to the commissioning of the production of Estonian defense industry companies,” said Kaljulaid.