The Estonian company Defendec Ltd produces a smart border guard solution – virtual eyes on the border



Thanks to the development of technology, we are moving in a direction where human participation in many processes remains minimal or disappears altogether. It often helps not only to save valuable time, but also to save lives. Such solutions are highly valued in every field, but especially in the defense industry.

The Estonian company Defendec Ltd produces a smart border guard solution – virtual eyes on the border. They are focused on the development of a new generation of wireless border control technology. Defendec offers a smart camera solution with the advantage of being used in difficult locations and conditions, and machine learning is part of the solution. Currently, 59 countries around the world use the system, including the border guards of several countries, among with Estonia and Ukraine. Defendec has also implemented AI in its systems, thanks to which it is possible to reduce false alarms and extend battery life. The high-tech solution allows the devices to be online and work for up to 350 days without human intervention.

Did you know that the company’s success story began with one smart border guard who realized at first sight that it was a worthy device and thanks to whom they got their first partner – the Eesti Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet?
