The Embassy and EIS hosted a pre event for SecD-Day exhibition and conference.
The event was opened by the Ambassador Sven Sakkov and the Chairman of the Riigikogu National Defence Committee Kalev Stoicescu.
We got great overviews of the Estonian and Finnish Defence Industry Associations from Kalev Koidumäe and Tuija Karanko.
Seven Estonian companies presented their solutions: DefSecIntel Solutions, Milrem Robotics, Defendec Ltd, Solita, PowerUP Energy Technologies, TGN Estonia, CybExer Technologies. Thank you for joining and the best of luck on the expo!
The biggest thanks to Pilvi Hämäläinen, Irene Surva-Lehtonen, Mariana Tulf-Pavlova, Hannele Känd, Merit Simo, Tiina Tuisk, Ryte Venckuviene!