There is a well-known saying “There is no bad weather, only bad clothing!”. As the war in Ukraine has shown, the country has to be defended in a wide range of weather conditions and clothing has to be able to withstand the harsh winter as well as the stifling heat. This is why quality clothing and additional equipment are essential in the defence sector.
Profline Military, which has been on the market for more than 25 years, does not compromise on quality, product development can take up to a year, and at least 15 people are involved in each product. The company has said that the creation of the military clothing collection was driven by a need – there was a lack of decent Estonian Defence Forces military clothing on the market that was functional and met the high demands for quality.
All the equipment is developed and produced right here in Estonia and thanks to them, almost all the representatives of the authorities have been able to wear the durable uniforms. These include, for example, the Estonian Defence Forces, Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet, the Defence League and Naiskodukaitse. Among others, various developments have been made for special groups, the Criminal Police, the Defence League, the Tax and Customs Board.
The defence industry is not just about missiles, iron and drones, clothing and its development is of vital importance and it is remarkable that Estonian defence industry clothing manufacturers are appreciated on the world market.