Engineers’ Day at Estonian University of Life Sciences focuses on innovation in strengthening national defense



Last week, the Estonian University of Life Sciences hosted Engineers’ Day, which brought together 120 people from industrial companies, various universities and organizations. The central topic of the day was “The role of engineers in shaping the country’s defense capability”, where top specialists in their fields discussed how innovation and science can strengthen Estonia’s defense capability in cooperation. In the discussion group, Kalev Koidumäe, CEO of the Estonian Defense and Space Industry Association, Margus Sammelsaar (Atalanta Systems), Pearu Orusalu (Protolab), and Jüri Olt and Marten Madissoo from the Estonian University of Life Sciences discussed the extent of the shortage of engineers in the defense industry and how a military engineer differs from a civilian engineer. Kalev Koidumäe also gave a separate presentation “Artificial intelligence and robotics in the Estonian defense industry.”

Photos: Maria Kilk
