Hosting the international SERA course in Estonia



This week, the Estonian Defence and Aerospace Industry Association, together with the Kaitseministeerium / Ministry of Defence of Estonia, has had the opportunity to host the international SERA (Session Européennee des Responsables d’Armement) course in Estonia.
The participants of the SERA course include more than 80 top European defence and security professionals who had the opportunity to meet with innovative Estonian companies and security experts.

On Tuesday, the visit included a Cyber Day aimed at introducing the guests to Estonia’s renowned e-capabilities and developments, as well as local cyber companies. Milrem Robotics R&D Director Raul Rikk and e-Governance Academy’s Cyber Security Programme Director Merle Maigre gave presentations about nationwide topics. Cybernetica, Talgen Cybersecurity and CR14 gave the guests a glimpse of the business side.

Today, nineteen Estonian defence and aerospace companies had the opportunity to present their special products and services to the guests, as the Estonian Defence and Aerospace Industry Day took place. The event was opened by the Association’s CEO, Tarmo Ränisoo, who gave an overview of the industry and also introduced the important history behind it.

The event was attended by SensusQ, DefSecIntel Solutions, CR14, Lindante, ELMO Rent, Deflog, GScan, Vegvisir, Wayren, NordArm, MDSC Systems/Maru Defence, HEVI Optronics, PowerUP Energy Technologies, Baltic Workboats Ltd, Threod Systems – Unmanned Aircraft Systems, KrattWorks, Cybernetica, Marduk Technologies and KappaZeta Ltd.

Thanks to all the companies and guests for a successful day!
