Last week, 14 members of the Estonian Defence and Aerospace Industry Association and the Estonian Defence Industry Cluster visited the UK. The visit, which was organised with the support of the Estonian Embassy in London, the Ministry of Defence and Invest in Estonia, was aimed at finding cooperation partners for Estonian defence industry companies through various meetings and seminars organised by ADS Group Ltd and techUK. The defence industry companies there were very interested in the products and production capabilities of the Estonian defence industry. We hope that this visit will lead to good cooperation for many of our companies.
The Estonian defence industry companies taking part in the visit were Cybernetica, CybExer Technologies, DefSecIntel Solutions, Frankenburg Technologies, Galtec Solutions, Lendurai, Marduk Technologies, Nortal, Threod Systems – Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Rantelon, SensusQ, TOCI production & engineering, Vegvisir, Wayren.